Prodigy Game Wiki

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Prodigy Game Wiki
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The Prodigy Game Wiki

Last updated: February 8, 2024

You may only apply if you fulfill the requirements; applications made by users that do not fit all requirements will have their applications declined unless there are positions that desperately need to be filled. Everything on this page is subject to change.

Applications for a rollback position are open year-round, meaning you may submit a staff application when you think you are ready for it, whenever you'd like. When submitting an application for the rollback position, please make a blog post using this form. For other user rights, request promotion on the current month's Community Moderation & Report Thread (ComMod).

Role Filling

The Prodigy Game Wiki currently has editors in all types of positions, and there are limits to how many people may exist with certain user rights at a given time.

Positions filled and available for all user rights
User Right Positions Filled Positions Open Maximum Positions Ideal Positions
Rollback 4 6 10 8-10
Thread Moderator 1 5 6 4-6
Content Moderator 2 4 6 4-6
Administrator 3 3 6 4-6
Bureaucrat 2 0 2 1-2

Paths to Promotion

Rollbacks are at the lowest rung of the staff ladder with their role being an "entry level" position. Thread moderators and content moderators hold greater abilities and are therefore higher on the ladder, and they need to show additional skill beyond simply posting in discussions or making constructive edits, respectively. Administrators hold even greater revision and analytical powers, and bureaucrats have all of the previous as well as added responsibilities.

Above displays the"local staff ladder" which is currently recognized. It will likely change in the future to include new intermedite roles.

There are multiple different methods to which users can obtain staff user rights, with the most common method being through direct application as described previously. For the safety of the wiki, the only way to obtain user rights of higher levels is through a gradual "step ladder" process from where only global staff members are exempt.

Currently, the only method to obtain moderator, administrator, or bureaucrat user rights is through first taking on a rollback position. From there, a rollback can work towards at least one of the two moderator roles: thread moderator, a role for users that have sufficient time and skill to delete, edit, and deal with other users' social interactions on the Prodigy Game Wiki; or content moderator, a role for users that have heightened knowledge and experience with revising pages on wikis. Administrators and bureaucrats, who possess greater abilities and responsibilities, need to have previous experience at both the rollback and moderator level with bureaucrats needing some administrator experience.

Besides regular applications for the rollback position and requests for promotion on Community Moderation & Report Threads, members of the wiki's local staff who are moderators or greater may choose a successor for some or all of their user groups to replace them when they leave their staff position either through retirement or a long hiatus. The successor must fit the promotion requirements, have no blocks in their history which lasted longer than two weeks, and have no reasonable global blocks in their history.



Gaining this user right has very minimal requirements, but before applying staff recommend that you perform above and beyond them:

  • Communication: You and current staff members should already have held a conversation with you before you apply
  • Good rapport: Staff should be able to trust you to work in good faith
  • Familiarity with the wiki: You should be able to understand basic terminology used on the wiki for the topics of Prodigy itself and for making contributions to an online encyclopedia

You may be given this role if you are approved by a majority of semi-active and active staff members. If an inactive staff member responds to the application, however, their opinion will be counted.

Thread Moderator

  • Prerequisite: Rollback
  • Contribute: 3+ months
  • Badges required: Storm Gem (30 day streak) badge or higher
  • Edit count: 500+
  • Post count: 2500+
  • Block Log: Must have no blocks in their history
  • Leaderboard: 40+ place. 1,500+ points.

Content Moderator

  • Prerequisite: Rollback
  • Contribute: 3+ months
  • Badges required: Fire Gem (100 day streak) badge or higher
  • Edit Count: 2500+
  • Post count: 500+
  • Leaderboard: 40+ place. 1,500+ points.


  • Prerequisite: Thread Moderator and Content Moderator
  • Contribute: 6+ months
  • Edit Count: 5000+
  • Post count: 4000+
  • Leaderboard: 15+ place. 5000+ points.
  • Be active for an extended period of time
  • Be agreed upon by the rest of the acting staff
  • Have general community consensus at the time of your promotion


A bureaucrat will promote an admin if they choose to leave and give up their user rights. Otherwise, there is no need for a new bureaucrat. If there is currently no active Bureaucrat, you may contact Community Central for an adoption request if you have permission from an administrator. There can only be two bureaucrats at a time, maximum.


Minimum requirements for all positions (green text displays ideal recommendations)
User Right Prerequisite
Experience Achievements Other
Rollback None None
3 months
500 edits
500 posts
1,000 points
100th place
• No reasonable blocks
• Communicate and be in good standing with local staff
• Be familiar with wiki functions
Thread Moderator Rollback 3 months
500 edits
2,500 posts
6 months
3,000 posts
1,500 points
40th place
30-day edit streak
• No reasonable global blocks
• No history of misconduct
Content Moderator Rollback 3 months
2,500 edits
500 posts
6 months
3,000 edits
1,500 points
40th place
100-day edit streak
20th place
• No reasonable global blocks
• No history of misconduct
Administrator Thread Moderator and Content Moderator 6 months
5,000 edits
4,000 posts
1 year
10,000 edits
5,000 points
15th place
100-day edit streak
• No reasonable global blocks
• No history of misconduct
• Be consistently active
• Receive unanimous staff consensus
• Receive general community consensus
• Finish all Admin Plus courses

Leaving Staff

Just as a user can gain a position on the Prodigy Game Wiki's local staff, a user can also leave their position for any reason.

Types of Leave

There are four categories of reasons by which a staff member may leave their position, either permanently or temporarily:

  • Permanent retirement (quitting): if a person wishes to completely retire by their own volition, they can do so at any time. While we are not a traditional workplace and everyone on the wiki is present by their own choice, it would be polite to do the following prior to your leave:
    • Notify other staff members with a few days' notice, either on the Discord server, Discord direct messages, staff members' message walls, or the current month's Community Moderation & Report Thread.
    • Remove your own user rights. Leaving without removing your user rights may confuse other staff members into thinking that you are not going to retire after all.
    • If you are a moderator, administrator, or bureaucrat, get the consent of someone else one level of ability to become your successor.
  • Long hiatus (going on sabbatical): if someone is going to experience a period of long yet temporary inactivity, their user rights will not be useful and keeping their user rights for the time of their hiatus may cause community members to be unnecessarily concerned. To avoid being demoted for inactivity, mark your leave in this way by taking the same steps as a user who is permanently retiring: notify staff in advance, find a successor (if a moderator, administrator, or bureaucrat), and self-demote while stating the reasons.
  • Inactivity or death: inactive staff will be demoted if they possess the Inactive Profile Tag and have not made consistent contributions or moderator actions within the past three (3) months. Users found to have died will be permanently inactive due to their apparent circumstances, so they should be demoted immediately upon the staff confirming their death.
  • Demotion due to misconduct (firing): users in Prodigy Game Wiki's local staff found to have abused their user rights, violated wiki rules or Fandom Terms of Service to a severe degree, have their account blocked across the Fandom network, or share the identity of a person who has committed a violent crime in real life are not permitted to continue to serve as a staff member.


Former members of local staff who have retired, are on a long hiatus, or lost their staff-related user rights due to inactivity or death are considered Prodigy Game Wiki's alumni—the people who left having served the wiki honorably, and these users will have a tag added to their masthead and a template added to their user page to denote their leave. Because of the variable and gendered way to address a member of our alumni as a result of the term's Latin origins, the spelling of their tag will differ.

  • Alumnus describes a singular male retiree or whoever chooses to be referred to as an alumnus
  • Alumna describes a singular female retiree or whoever chooses to be referred to as an alumna
  • Alum describes a singular non-binary, gender-neutral, or otherwise gender-variable retiree, or whoever chooses to be referred to as an alum (this is the default, especially if a staff member never disclosed their gender or "alumni" spelling preference)
  • Alumni describes a plural male retiree or group of retirees (all male or of mixed genders)
  • Alumnae describes a plural female retiree or a group of strictly-female retirees or a group of retirees who strictly choose to each be considered an alumna
  • Alumns describes a plural non-binary retiree or a group of strictly-non-binary retirees or a group of retirees who strictly choose to each be considered an alum

However, if a user has had their user rights revoked due to misconduct, they are not considered alumni.


  • Being promoted to a position on the Prodigy Game Wiki's local staff does not afford the staff member additional privileges or immunity to rules.
  • Choosing a successor is not an option for people leaving the Prodigy Game Wiki's local staff as a rollback.
  • Coming out of a hiatus should re-afford a staff member the same user rights that they possessed prior to their long yet temporary leave. However, if the user was on hiatus during a time promotion requirements increased, it might not be possible for the staff member to regain the same abilities.
  • You may be promoted with blocks in your history if you have only been blocked for being underage (and are no longer underage), by mistake, etc.