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This page is about Flora the Guardian of Firefly Forest. For the arena wizard, see Flora (Arena).

Flora is the NPC guardian of Firefly Forest. You will receive the Firefly Gem once you complete all of her quests.


Flora is a light green-skinned Earth Fairy. She has yellow wings, turquoise-colored eyes, and lime-green hair that is tied into two ponytails. She wears a daisy in her hair and has a pink necklace made of petals around her neck. It appears that she is wearing the Fairy Dress.

In newer versions, her hair is still the same appearance. However, she has yellow wings, and magenta eyes, and wears a short-sleeved blue dress instead. And instead of wearing the red petals around her neck, she wears pink petals.


She's a helpful fairy, but has a quick temper, seeing how she reacted to the monsters planning against them with the note. However, she also seems sweet and kind.


Flora is in charge of Firefly Forest. She also instructs wizards on how to complete quests. Upon completing every quest, she gives your wizard the Firefly Gem.


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"Want to give me a hand?"

"Well done!"

"Well hello there! The name's Flora - master wizard of Firefly Forest!"

"Complete my trials to learn earth spells. Complete them all to earn the Firefly gem!"

"But first, I have an itty bitty favor to ask..."

"Can you go rescue my friend? He's been surrounded by monsters!"

"Quick question - what does every wizard need?"

"A wand, silly! I'm fresh out of wands, but I think there's a special one in a chest in the forest!"

"Or you can always buy one from the store!"

"Oh! You got one!"

"Challenge some Saplettes for your next trial!"

"To become a true Prodigy, you must learn spells! And the best way to learn new spells is by helping people!"

"Firefly Forest has a problem...vandals! Someone's been littering at the crossroads!"

"Do me a favor and help clean it up, okay?"

"The paper you picked up seems to be part of a note... but it's written in 'monster'."

"Try bringing it to the traveller in the northern woods!"

"The note says 'don't tell Flora'

"...HEY! I'M FLORA!"

"So, those Sprikes are up to something secret, huh? Defeat a few until they drop some evidence!"

"Hmmm, this is a Mandrake...

Mandrakes are the best spies in the whole forest!"

"Collect more for me and bring them in for questioning...maybe they can tell us more!"

"Be sure to look around...they may be in more than one place!"

"According to the Mandrakes, the TripTrop Trio ordered the Sprikes to steal something from me."

"This forest is mischievous!

...and confusing!"

"Track down the TripTrop Trio, defeat them, and bring back what they stole!"

"So, they stole my flute? And they BROKE IT?! THE NERVE!"

"This can only mean one thing...

Can you head into the forest to find my Golem, Gerald?"

"WHAT?! That boulder-brain is asleep again?!"

"Monsters lull Gerald to sleep all the time... I guess he's a bit loud when he walks around."

"We can wake him up, but first we need to fix my broken flute!"

"Easy peasy! Just bring it to the 'magic stump' in the woods!"

"WHAT?! It's been stolen again?!"

"That's the last straw! Now I'm REAL MAD, and nobody wants to mess with an angry forest fairy!"

"Go find that monster and bring back my flute! He could be anywhere!"

"Now that we have the flute, it's time for your final challenge!"

"Take this to Gerald and wake him up! Careful, though...he can get REAL grumpy!"

"Wow! You did it! As promised, here is the Firefly Gem!"

Firefly Forest Updated Quests[]

"Oh good a wizard! We need your help. The forest is being attacked."

"There is something spreading in the forest. I think it's the old shadow magic. A strong wizard with the Firefly gem can face it."

"You could be the one! Every time you battle monsters under the shadow magic's control you level up."

"Ahh! I see you are stronger already."

"I can feel it getting back to like how it was before the shadow came. The forest was SO happy."

"My fairy friends are so scared. A big monster has been creating trouble."

"OH NO! It is here."

"The monster is level 8. Can you fight it? I'll do what I can to help, but be careful!"

"Hey wizard, this monster is definitely a higher level than you."

"But you haven't lost yet!"

"Luckily I have been saving this level up magic. It's rare, but I can gift it to you."

"Now you have leveled up and are stronger. Good luck defeating the monster!"

"That was good. It ran away but when you find this one again, it will be stronger."

"But so will you."

"You can level up by battling more monsters. You can even rescue them!"

"So let's explore the forest and find the source of the shadow magic."

"GASP! There is the monster from before. It recharged it's health and has gotten stronger."

"I don't have any more of the level up magic. Let's battle other monsters first."

"You have increased your level. Now you are ready to fight the BIG ONE!"

"That was PRODIGIOUS! You have grown so much since we first met."

"In this world and beyond are challenges. But I know you will keep moving forward."

"All this battling - it's getting dangerous! We will need friends."

"My brother, Florian, is also looking for the keystone. Let's find him."

"It's time to team up. The wizard and I are looking for the keystones too. C'mon, let's go!"

"Oh, an ice pet?! Cool! Where do we get one?"

"Wizard, there you are! We need to hurry. He is back in Firefly Forest and he has trapped Florian!"

"If we clear enough of the shadow magic in Firefly, it could stop the storms."

"Let's go and see what that ice pet can do."

"Yeah and the Puppet Master is about to learn a lesson!"

"Florian, are you hurt? I'm happy you are safe."

"I guess a THANK YOU is in order? Go ahead..."

"What? That makes no se -- Oh wait! There is a rock-man called Gerald. Hope he is okay."

"Hey Gerald, are you OK?"

"The Puppet Master's shadow magic put Gerald to sleep. It's just like Florian's dream!"

"OK Wizard, now it's time to play the flute. Gerald always danced when I played it for him, so let's make him dance!"

"Oh no! He doesn't want to dance! He wants to battle. That shadow spell is still there, Wizard. Let's help him shake it off!"

"Gerald, you boulder-head! I'm so happy you're back! This wizard helped me break the spell."

"Thank you so much for rescuing the forest, wizard! That was an excellent adventure and we make a great team."

"Wizard, I want you to know that I'll always be your friend and you're always welcome here!"

"Sure, the weather is not as nice at Shiverchill Mountains but I know your adventure is going to be amazing!"

During Shadow Gerald Boss Battle[]

"No, it's not! It's an illusion that we'll brush aside with Plant power!"


  • The tree that Flora lives in strongly resembles a cherry tree or a peach tree.
  • Florian is Flora's brother. He is also the first Warden revealed to all wizards and is the Earth Warden who lives in the Earth Tower.
  • It was mentioned she was asked to teach at the Academy, but she wanted to stay at Firefly Forest.
  • In her updated sprite, Flora's eyes are now a magenta-purple color instead of blue. Her wings are also now a pastel yellow instead of pink, and her hair is now more of a bluish-green than green.
  • She is not to be confused with Flora, a former arena wizard in the Coliseum (the old Arena).
  • It is currently the only sprite to have a sibling in the Prodigy world.
  • Unlike the other NPCs, she, along with Gale, Ada, and Florian are the only ones with 4 fingers/toes.




Change History[]

Official Release

  • Flora (Guardian) was added to Prodigy Math Game.