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Prodigy Game Wiki
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A cartoonish symbol of a compass rose, representing the Astral Element. At the center of the compass rose is a large, four-pointed yellow star, with a light blue rhombus between each point for a total of four. The compass rose has a dark blue outline.

Astral is an Element in Prodigy Math Game. It is the first element that every wizard starts with. Only wizards and a few other entities can use this element.


Name Type Power Aim Recharge Icon
Astral Dragon AOE 1 AoE 2 Okay 2 AoE Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Meteor Shower Multiple 2 Excellent None Multi Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Astral Dragon AOE 2 AoE 3 Okay 2 AoE Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Astral Dragon Single 1 Single 3 Excellent None Single Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Astral Storm AoE Multiple 3 Excellent 1 AoE Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Starfall Multiple 3 Excellent None Multi Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Astral Dragon Single 3 Single 4 Excellent 3 Single Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Astral Flare AoE 4 Excellent None AoE Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Flash AoE 4 Excellent 1 AoE Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Glare AoE 4 Excellent 1 AoE Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Shooting Stars AoE 5 Excellent 1 AoE Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Starbit Single 5 Excellent None Single Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Astral Blast Single 6 Excellent None Single Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Meteorite Random 6 Excellent 1 Random Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Astral Dragon Single 2 Single 7 Excellent 3 Single Astral Spell (Starbit Blast Giant)
Starburst Single 7 Excellent 1 Single Astral Spell (Starbit Blast Giant)
Starlight Blast Single 7 Excellent 2 Single Astral Spell (Starbit Blast Giant)
Comet Random 8 Excellent None Random Astral Spell (Starbit Blast)
Super Nova Single 10 Good Never Single Astral Spell (Starbit Blast Giant)

Removed Astral spells:

List of Astral Pets[]

Here are all the existing Pets in Prodigy Math Game with the Astral element, categorized alphabetically:

Icon Name Evolution(s)
Cometti Cometti Regalaxy
Embright Embright Lioglow
Fay Fay Serrazeg
Illumicase Illumicase None
Lioglow Lioglow Embright
Lucentail Lucentail Prismtongue
Luma Luma None
Meloduet Meloduet None
Prismtongue Prismtongue Lucentail
Regalaxy Regalaxy Cometti
Serrazeg Serrazeg Fay
Solar Solar None
Squawks Squawks Tribeak
Sunra Sunra None
Tribeak Tribeak Squawks


Icon Name
Theo Addiwise Talk Sprite Theo Addiwise


Astral Element Matchup
If the offending spell is of this element... It will have this much effect on Astral:
A cartoonish symbol of a circle representing the Physical Element. The circle is a brochanite green, with a gray outerring. The edging has an outline the same shade of green as the circle, and lined up diagnonally upon the outerring are two triangles pointing inwards. One triangle is at the top left while the other lines up with it at the bottom right. Both these triangles have the same outline as the outerring. Physical 1.15x (115%) — mildly strong
A cartoonish symbol of a flame representing the Fire Element, being red with a yellow center, with a dark red border outlining it. Fire 1x (100%) — neutral
A cartoonish symbol of a snowflake, representing the Ice Element. The snowflake is six-pointed and light blue, with a dark blue outline. Ice 1x (100%) — neutral
A cartoonish symbol of an oval leaf representing the Plant Element. The leaf's stem faces lowerwards to the left, while the tip of of it faces to the right. It's light green, with a dark green line running down the middle and outlining it. Plant 1x (100%) — neutral
A cartoonish symbol of a lightning bolt with a dark brown outline, representing the Storm Element Storm 1x (100%) — neutral
A cartoonish symbol of a teardrop of water, representing the Water Element. The droplet is sapphire blue with a navy blue outline, and there are two wite lines on the upper left representing reflections on the surface. Water 1x (100%) — neutral
A cartoonish symbol of an eye representing the Shadow Element. The iris of the eye is light violet with a dark purple pupil, and it has no visible sclera. The eye has six lashes, three above and three below, shaped like triangles pointing outwards. The eye has a dark purple outline. Shadow 0.75x (75%) — mildly weak
A cartoonish symbol of a compass rose, representing the Astral Element. At the center of the compass rose is a large, four-pointed yellow star, with a light blue rhombus between each point for a total of four. The compass rose has a dark blue outline. Astral 1x (100%) — neutral
A cartoonish symbol of a circle representing the Physical Element. The circle is white, with a cyan outerring. The edging has an dark blue outline, and lined up diagnonally upon the outerring are two triangles pointing inwards. One triangle is at the top right while the other lines up with it at the bottom line. Both these triangles have the same outline as the outerring. Neutral 1x (100%) — neutral


  • The Astral element was formerly internally referred to as "Wizard".
  • In the oldest versions of the game, there used to be several pets that were able to use Astral spells, but this was removed to make the Astral element more wizard exclusive. Now, more Astral Pets were added to the game, but a minimal amount can actually use Astral Spells.
  • Some bosses such as Mira Shade and The Ancient were capable of using Astral spells.
  • Floatlings are capable of using Astral magic according to the description of the Titan Power Helm.
  • The world Astrallum's icon is the old Astral symbol.
  • Astral means "relating to the stars", hence its current symbol.
  • Wizards previously had an elemental school, but this has been changed and all wizards are now Astral.
  • This element has the most excellent aim spells.
  • The 2023 Battle Remake added Astral spells to some wands.
  • In one of the older battle systems, wizards were of the Astral element, but on the Wizard's banner, it showed the old symbol for A cartoonish symbol of an eye representing the Shadow Element. The iris of the eye is light violet with a dark purple pupil, and it has no visible sclera. The eye has six lashes, three above and three below, shaped like triangles pointing outwards. The eye has a dark purple outline. Shadow.
  • In the Beta Testing of the 2023 Battle Remake, there were no A cartoonish symbol of a compass rose, representing the Astral Element. At the center of the compass rose is a large, four-pointed yellow star, with a light blue rhombus between each point for a total of four. The compass rose has a dark blue outline. Astral spells other than Starbit. In Mid-Spring 2023, more A cartoonish symbol of a compass rose, representing the Astral Element. At the center of the compass rose is a large, four-pointed yellow star, with a light blue rhombus between each point for a total of four. The compass rose has a dark blue outline. Astral element spells were added.
  • Before, a wizard could learn new astral spells (such as Falling Star Smash at Level 30 and Super Nova at Level 35).
  • Before the 2023 Battle Remake, A cartoonish symbol of a compass rose, representing the Astral Element. At the center of the compass rose is a large, four-pointed yellow star, with a light blue rhombus between each point for a total of four. The compass rose has a dark blue outline. Astral had no weaknesses. It is now weak to A cartoonish symbol of a circle representing the Physical Element. The circle is a brochanite green, with a gray outerring. The edging has an outline the same shade of green as the circle, and lined up diagnonally upon the outerring are two triangles pointing inwards. One triangle is at the top left while the other lines up with it at the bottom right. Both these triangles have the same outline as the outerring. Physical but A cartoonish symbol of a compass rose, representing the Astral Element. At the center of the compass rose is a large, four-pointed yellow star, with a light blue rhombus between each point for a total of four. The compass rose has a dark blue outline. Astral is also strong against A cartoonish symbol of a circle representing the Physical Element. The circle is a brochanite green, with a gray outerring. The edging has an outline the same shade of green as the circle, and lined up diagnonally upon the outerring are two triangles pointing inwards. One triangle is at the top left while the other lines up with it at the bottom right. Both these triangles have the same outline as the outerring. Physical.
  • There are three unused relics for this element: the Powerful Astral Relic, the Strong Astral Relic, and the Basic Astral Relic.
  • There was never a relic representing the A cartoonish symbol of a compass rose, representing the Astral Element. At the center of the compass rose is a large, four-pointed yellow star, with a light blue rhombus between each point for a total of four. The compass rose has a dark blue outline. Astral element other than the Ancient Astral Relic. On 1/18/2024, a new relic called the Flash Relic was introduced to the game being the second relic capable of casting an A cartoonish symbol of a compass rose, representing the Astral Element. At the center of the compass rose is a large, four-pointed yellow star, with a light blue rhombus between each point for a total of four. The compass rose has a dark blue outline. Astral element spell. With the release of Dragon Isle, more Astral Relics were added.
  • Luma and Lumanight were the first pets in Prodigy Math Game to be of the A cartoonish symbol of a compass rose, representing the Astral Element. At the center of the compass rose is a large, four-pointed yellow star, with a light blue rhombus between each point for a total of four. The compass rose has a dark blue outline. Astral element but could not cast any A cartoonish symbol of a compass rose, representing the Astral Element. At the center of the compass rose is a large, four-pointed yellow star, with a light blue rhombus between each point for a total of four. The compass rose has a dark blue outline. Astral element spells. However, on 1/3/2024, Frozzra became the first pet in Prodigy Math to be able to cast A cartoonish symbol of a compass rose, representing the Astral Element. At the center of the compass rose is a large, four-pointed yellow star, with a light blue rhombus between each point for a total of four. The compass rose has a dark blue outline. Astral element spells. Later on, for Winterfest 2024, two new A cartoonish symbol of a compass rose, representing the Astral Element. At the center of the compass rose is a large, four-pointed yellow star, with a light blue rhombus between each point for a total of four. The compass rose has a dark blue outline. Astral element pets, Cometti, and Regalaxy, were added to Prodigy Math Game.



Change History[]

25 September 2024

  • Several pets' elements were changed to Astral.

10 January 2024

  • Cometti and Regalaxy were the third and fourth Astral pets added to the game.

3 January 2024

  • Frozzra became the first pet to cast Astral spells.

2023 Battle Remake

  • Luma and Sunra became Astral element pets, making them the first Astral pets in the game.


  • Wizard element's name was changed to Astral.


  • Wizard element gained strength against the A cartoonish symbol of an eye representing the Shadow Element. The iris of the eye is light violet with a dark purple pupil, and it has no visible sclera. The eye has six lashes, three above and three below, shaped like triangles pointing outwards. The eye has a dark purple outline. Shadow element.

Official Release

  • Wizard element was added to Prodigy Math Game and all wizards migrated to this element regardless of their former elemental school.